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Brooke Miller
The White Mountain Goat
Brooke Miller describes a visit to her great-grandmother’s hometown in Maui and the symbolism of the white goat.
The Prattler
The Prattler
Alanna Vokey
Art by Alanna Vokey
Alexis Howell
No Guts, No Glory
Alexis Howells analyzes how “Saltburn” is a modern retelling of the Shakesperian tragedy, “Richard III.”
Robert Campanaro
Beware the Malocchio
Robert Campanaro analyzes the folklore surrounding the curse of the malocchio, an Italian myth.
Gaia Saravan
The Goats Have Strange Pupils
Gaia Saravan describes a cultural ceremony and personal qualms with the ethics versus cultural value of it in this personal short story.
Lucy Y. Wang
Catalog of Fairies and Monsters
- Art by Lucy Y. Wang
Claire Sweeney
Emma Vall
Ariel Favis
Philippine Beasts: When Culture and Post-Colonial Identity Intertwine
Ariel Favis reflects on various Filipino myths from childhood and examines how they connect to ancestry, colonization, and spirituality.
Varia Sinichkina
A Boy’s Word: Revisiting the Violence in 1980’s USSR
Varia Sinichkina examines a new Russian TV series through the lens of personal experience with the “Kazan Phenomenon."
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