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Sweeeet Milk!
Gaia Saravan draws us into a short story about friendship, finding peace in a world that’s ending, and a psychedelic upside-down.
The G Train to Eden
Anna Avent describes the dichotomy of experiences one can have in the New York subway system, both dystopian and utopian.
beneath the lotus lake
Brooke Miller’s poem expresses a sense of yearning for the utopic conditions of childhood.
I’ve Been Reading bell hooks Lately
K.B. Bonslater reflects on how reading bell hooks has altered their perception of love.
a friend
John Bubniak’s poem contemplates one’s relationship with death, a confrontation over time.
Kaitlin Venneman’s poem, based on the film “Suspiria,” eerily describes the themes of female body horror, trauma, and gore.
Sarina Greene recounts her experience with AVM (arteriovenous malformation) as a child and how it altered her memory and personality.
The Void
Matthew Martinez warns us about the risks of buying the cheaper ramen at certain bodegas.
A Mother's Touch
Brooke Miller’s poem reflects on remembrance and grief after loss.
My Night Dancers
Jack Morsch sends shivers down our spine with a tale of a protagonist trapped in their room.
diary entries
Madeline Langan shares a series of three-line diary entries.
The Meatpacking Industry Vol II
Amanda Rios’s poem explores the internal push and pull of gender presentation.
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